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Lesson 24

单元 Unit 4 教学 内容 课题 My heroes 课时 1 Part 4 教学 Can read the passage 目标 Understand: too... to... village city 重点 难点 Can read the passage.. 教学 PPT, recorder 准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 复 备 I.Warm- up Free talk:What’s your favourite subjict? Do you like your Chinese/Maths/English teacher? II.Presentation A. Show a picture on Page 36 and ask: Who is she? What subject does she teach? Is she young? B. Listen and underline the keywords. C. Show two pictures ,find the differences between “village” and “city”,learn the new word “village” and “city” D. Answer the question: Does she only teach English? Do her pupils like her? j. Open the books and read the passage. What do Miss Deng’s pupils think of her? Teach “too...to...” “more confident...” For example: too shy to speak too simple to understand too easy to do III. consolidation: . 1. Read the passage 2. Talk about own favourite teacher 板书 Unit 4 My heroes Miss Deng: young friendly warm kind The pupils: too shy to speak like learning English becoming more confident 设计 A young teacher hero 教学 资源 教学 反思

Lesson 25

单元 Unit 4 教学 内容 教学 目标 重点 难点 课题 My heroes 课时 1 Part5,6 Can complete the sentences. Learn to say :tell stories,give a lesson Know sth. About Robin Hood. Can complete the sentence. Can read the story. 教学 PPT,tape 准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 复 备 I. warm-up Play a game: What am I doing? What is he doing? II. Presentation A. Look at the pictures.Ask:What are they doing? Are they reading books? B. Match the words: Give stories Tell lesson C. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. D. Read the sentences by themselves. E. Listen to the tape and answer the question: When did Robin Hood live? Where did he live? What did he do? Why did he hate the Sheriff? F. Talk about the hero Robin Hood. H. Tald about the hero in China. T says: Lu Zhishen is a hero in Water Margin.He is very strong.He killed a bad man to protect a girl and her father. III.Consolidation Talk with your friends if there are any people like Robin Hood in Chinese history. 板书 设计 write a story give a lesson tell stories 教学 资源 教学 反思

Unit 4 My heroes Lesson 26

单元 Unit 5 教学 内容 教学 目标 重点 难点 Part 1 a. 能理解并学唱歌曲“I love reading”。 b.学生能在真实的情境中自如的运用语言。 a. 能理解并学唱歌曲“I love reading” 课题 I love reading 课时 1 教学 CAI 准备 教 学 过 程 设 计 Step1.Warming up 1.T:Do you like books? Do you love reading? What kind of books do you like best? What can you get from the books? Ss try to answer. Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen to the song and answer:Does Toby like reading? 2.T:How does Toby read books? What does he get from the books? Ss open the books to page 38, read and answer. Learn some words:bookworm, Until a book ends…. Step 3 Practice 1.Ss listen and sing. 2.Ss sing in different way: T and Ss, Boys and girls, sing in group. And try to understand the sentence:A house without books is like a room without windows. 3. Teacher lead Ss to creat a new song and choose two or three groups to show. 复 备



