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一见到你 我就喜欢上了你 直到见到你 五岁时见到你

When, as, while, before, after, since, till/until, as soon as no sooner…than…

scarcely…when… hardly…when… the minute the second the instant the moment by the time 截止 immediately instantly directly

each time every time next time the first time on doing sth


while 当…时 as

1. when 1)当…时/ 延续性动词短暂性动词都可用



I was watching TV when my cellphone suddenly rang这时 When I was five years old I could speak five languages

The wet weather will continue tommorow when a cold front is expected to arrive届时到时 注意:时间状语从句中动作发生有前后时先发生的用过去完成时 When my mother came back I had already gone to bed. 2. while 1)从句动词延续性 2)同时发生

3)对比的意味“然而” 4)趁着

He taught himself while he worked in a bank 延续性动词当他在银行上班时 While we were working they were having a rest.对比

While they were having a discussion , they got very confused.同时

I want the girls to experience that while they are young趁着她们还年轻我想让姑娘们体验一下 对比:I prefer black tea, while he likes coffee 3.As 1)当…时

2)一边...一边 3)随着

As the children walked along the street, they sang happily.当孩子们 He sang as he danced一边 一边

You will grow wiser as you grow older随着 4.before 1)在…前

2)前加一段时间 直到…才… 3)还没来得及 4)要过…时间才 I’ll be back before you leave

It may be many years before we meet again 可能要过很多年我们才能见面


The students rushed outside before I could finished my word 还没等我讲完 It will be three weeks before he finished his work

It won’t be long before he finished his work. 用不了多久 5.after

After my friend got married, she went to live in America 6.since 自从 主句一般为现在完成时

We’ve never met since we graduated from the college Great changes have taken place since you left 7.till/untill肯定句中可互换 直到…为止


Not until 放句首句子部分倒装(倒装主句)

Donald will remain in college until/till he finished his PhD course Donald won’t leave college until he finished his PhD course

I won’t go with you until I finished my homework Not until my mother came back did I go to bed 8.as soon as

I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.一看见冒烟就发出警报 He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid 9.the minute The second

The instant瞬间片刻 立即的立刻的 素食的 The moment

The minute we got home, the telephone rang 10. no sooner…than… Scarcely…when… Hardly…when…

I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.

The fans had hardly seen the movie star when they cried The fans had scarcely seen the movie star when they cried 注意:他们提前句子部分倒装

No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. Hardly had I got home when it began to rain

Scarcely had the fans seen the movie star when they cried 11.名词引导的时间状语从句

The first time I saw you I mistook you for a film star Next time I see you I will tell you the truth

Every time/each time I see this picture I think of my hometown. 12. On+ doing 一…就…

On arriving home, he discovered they had gone 一到家发现他们已经走了 13.immediately instantly directly

Immediately she had gone, I remembered her name.她刚走开我就想起了她的名字 14.by the time 1)从句是一般现在时 主句用将来完成时 2)从句是一般过去时 主句用过去完成时


By the time you receive this letter, I will have left this city

I shall have finished it by the time you come back 你回来以前我就做完了 By the time I got there, the bus had already left.

注意:as soon as after before 常与过去完成时连用 After I had finished my homework I went to sleep Before I went to sleep I had finished my homework As soon as I had finished my homework I went ot sleep. 但是 如果不强调时间的先后都可以用一般过去时 After I finished my homework I went to sleep/


一、Where在…地方 wherever无论哪里 anywhere任何地方 everywhere到处 1.where

You should put the book where you found it We must camp where we can find water

You had better make a mark where you have any questions. 2.wherever

wherever there is smoke, there is fire

please put the cup wherever that is convinient 3.anywhere

You can put it anywhere you like

I can’t stay anywhere there are a lot of people 4.everywhere

Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.去到的每一处都看到同样的情况 I have searched everywhere there is a clue 二、与定语从句的区别



Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often. Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often.

Go back where you came from

Go back to the place where you came

2.where 引导的状从可放在句首与句末都可 而where 引导的定语从句只放在句末 三、练习

1.he advised me to live_______ the air is fresher

A. in where B.in which C. the place where D. where

2. in peace too, the Red Cross is expected to send help _______ there is human suffering A. whoever B.however C. whatever D.wherever

3. if you are travelling____the customs are really foreign to you own . please do as the Romans do A. in which B. what C. when D. where




