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2014七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题(冀教版附答案)

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2014七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题(冀教版附答案)

Unit 2 鈪? 鍗曢」閫夋嫨 (15鍒? ( )1. We can鈥檛 get _______ the train because it isn鈥檛 ready. A. in B. up C. on D. to ( )2. --Chinese Voice is the most popular programme, I think. -- That鈥檚 true. But not _________ likes it, I鈥檓 afraid. A. everyone B. no one C. someone D. anyone ( )3. Would you like to show _______ the new car? A. we B. us to C. to us D. us ( )4. ______ they _______ a good time yesterday? A. Do, have B. Do, had C. Did, have D. Did, had ( )5. 鈥旽ow do you get to school every day? 鈥昣______. A. At taxi B. In taxi C. On taxi D. By taxi ( )6. 鈥旵an I join you? 鈥昣______ A. No, you aren鈥檛. B. Yes, you can鈥檛. C. Of course! D. You鈥檙e welcome. ( )7. M aybe this little girl will be _______ when she sees the tigers. A. scared B. hungry C. thirsty D. tired ( )8. There are _______ of people in the square. A. a hundred B. two hundreds C. hundreds D. many hundred ( )9. It鈥檚 time for class. The students run _______ into the classroom. A. slowly B. happily C. quickly D. quietly ( )10. Would you like ________ fruit? A. any B. some C. something D. anything ( ) 11. Liu Ying is _______ her lost pencil, but she can鈥檛 _______ it now. A. finding; look for B. looking for; find C. looking; find D. finding; look ( ) 12. Zhang Ling enjoys_______the radio, but her brother doesn鈥檛. A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listening to ( ) 13. Jenny_______a new computer. She can use her old one. A. doesn鈥檛 need buy B. needn鈥檛 to buy C. doesn鈥檛 need to buy D. needn鈥檛 buying ( ) 14. 鈥昅ay I have a sandwich? 鈥昣_______. A. No, thanks B. You, please C. Sure D. You can鈥檛 ( )15. 鈥?Don鈥檛 look out of the window in class, Li Ming! 鈥昣______ A. Sorry, I won鈥檛. B. No, thanks. C. You鈥檙e welcome. D. Yes, I do. 鈪?

(10鍒? On school trips, everyone

can relax (鏀炬澗) and have 16 . They don鈥檛 h ave to 17 about homework or tests, and everybody can get to know each other better. School trips make study


more 18 and the students can learn more 19 nature (). There are different

kinds of school trips. Sometimes school trips 20 to go to the movies, zoos or parks and so on. Sometimes they are to 21 another city. Of course, a school trip depends on (鍙栧喅浜? weather, money, distance (

) and the age of the students. To

have a 22 school trip. Please pay attention to (娉ㄦ剰) the following. 鈽?23 a good traveling timetable. 鈽匬ack some clothes, food and drink. 鈽匱ake a hat 24 summer. Take some medicine and an umbrella. 鈽匨ake sure 25 the trip will be. ( )16. A. funny B. time C. fun D. interest ( )17. A. forget B. begin C. worry D. show ( )18. A. interesting B. hard C. scared D. favourite ( )19. A. to B. for C. from D. in ( )20. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )21. A. see B. find C. meet D. visit ( )22. A. happy B. sad C. surprised D. tired ( )23. A. Make B. Do C. Find D. Listen ( )24. A. at B. on C. in D. for ( )25. A. how much B. how many C. how about D. how long 鈪?

В (20

鍒? A[ There are many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man tries to stand up. 鈥淥h, no, thank you,鈥?the woman asks him back to the seat. 鈥淧lease don鈥檛 do that. I can stand.鈥?鈥淏ut, madam, le t me鈥?鈥?says the man. 鈥淚 ask you to sit on your seat,鈥?the woman says. She puts her hands on the old man鈥檚 shoulder. But the man still tries to stand up, 鈥淢adam, will you please let me鈥?鈥?鈥淥h, no,鈥?says the woman. She again asks the man to sit back to his seat. At last the old man shouts, 鈥淚 want to get off the bus!鈥?


璇?F)銆?( )26. All the people have seats on the bus. ( )27. An old man gets on the bus at the bus stop. ( )28. The old man wants to give his seat to the woman. ( )29. The woman sits on the old man鈥檚 seat. ( )30. The old man wants to get off the bus. B Johnny is ten years old. He is very lazy (鎳掓儼鐨?. This Sunday his classmates go on a bus trip. The teacher doesn鈥檛 want to take Johnny with them. But no one takes care of Johnny at school. So the teacher has to take him. 鈥淣ow, children!鈥?the teacher says. 鈥淥n our bus trip we can see many old buildings, some beautiful


villages. I want you to write about everything you see on the t rip.鈥?The bus trip begins. The children are writing something in their notebooks. The teacher is very happy. Suddenly the teacher sees Johnny lying on the floor of the bus, so she goes up to him. 鈥淎re you sick?鈥?she asks him. 鈥淣o, Miss Brown,鈥?Johnny says. 鈥淭hen why are you lying on the floor?鈥?鈥淚f I can鈥檛 see anything,鈥?he says, 鈥淚 will not need to write about it, right?鈥?( )31. What do they do this Sunday? A. Have lunch at a restaurant. B. Swim in the river. C. Go on a bus trip. D. Go shopping. ( )32. They will see _______ on the trip. A. some animals B. many old buildings C. some beautiful cars D. many new buildings ( )33. What do the students do on the bus? xk|b|1 A. They read some books. B. They write something in their notebooks. C. They lie on the floor. D. They sing many songs. ( )34. Johnny lies on the floor because _______. A. he wants to see everything B. he doesn鈥檛 want to write about the trip C. he is sick D. he is laughing ( )35. Which of the follo wing is RIGHT? A. Johnny is a lazy boy. B. Johnny is a happy boy. C. The others are very lazy, too. D. The teacher is sick. 鈪? 璇嶆眹 (10鍒? A.

嶃?36. The movie is _______ (鍊煎緱) reading. 37. 锟紺When ______ your uncle ________ (鍒拌揪) in our city? 锟紺Next month. 38. That small bridge can help you ________ (绌胯繃) the river. 39. The _________ (浜у搧) in the factory are very good. 40. I _______ (鐩镐俊) we can have fun there. B. 鐢ㄦ嫭鍙蜂腑鎵缁欏崟

?41. You should work hard to get more _________

(chance). 42. The news is really _________ (excite). 43. I think the two ________ (dish) are so nice. 44. Mr. Li wants _________ (leave) here tomorrow. 45. I________ (realize) we would be la te today. 鈪?

? 姣忕┖涓

璇嶃?(10鍒? 46. My father is working on the computer now. (瀵瑰垝绾块儴鍒嗘彁闂? _________ _________ your father _________ now? 47. Lucy often listens to English songs in the evening. (

? Lucy _________

_________ _________ English songs now. 48. The birds are singing happily in the


tree. () _________ the birds _________ happily in the

tree? 49. My grandpa is drinking some milk in the kitchen. (鏀逛负鍚﹀畾鍙? My grandpa _________ _________ _________ milk in the kitchen. 50. We can see a flag at the top of the hill. (瀵瑰垝绾块儴鍒嗘彁闂? _________ _________ you _________ at the top of the hill? 鈪? 杩炶瘝鎴愬彞(10鍒? 51. hope, I, will, you, enjoy, trip, your ( . ) ___________________________________ 52. are, of, stars, the, thousands, in, sky ( . ) ___________________________________ 53. all, I, the, like, of, pictures ( . ) ___________________________________ 54. there, any, are, places, interest, in, of, Nanjing ( ?) ___________________________________ 55. about, the, Caves, Jenny, knows, Mogao ( . ) ___________________________________ 鈪? 琛ュ叏瀵硅瘽锛?10鍒嗭級

A: Where is that (56)n_________from? B: Jenny. She is (57)t_________loudly to her friends. A: They are too (58)l_________. Tell them to be (59)q_________. B: Why? A: The (60)b_________are sleeping. B: But I think they are (61)l_________to some music. A: This is fun! I hope they (62)e_________ the music. B: (63)W_________are you doing here? A: I鈥檓 (64)t_________care of the babies. B: But they don鈥檛 (65)n_________you now. A: OK. I鈥檒l go and have a rest. 鈪? 涔﹂潰琛ㄨ揪(15鍒?



60璇嶃?Key锛?1-5 CADCD 6-10 CACCB 11-15 BDCAA

16-20 CCACB 21-25 DAACD 26-30 FFFFT 31-35 CBBBA 36. worth 37. did arrive 38. cross 39. products 40. believe 41. chances 42. exciting 43. dishes 44. to leave 45. realized 46. What is; doing 47. is listening to 48. Are; s inging 49. isn鈥檛 drinking any 50. What can; see[ 51. I hope you will enjoy your trip 52.Thousands of stars are in the sky 53. I like all of the pictures 55. Jenny knows about the Mogao Caves 54. Are


there any places of interest in Nanjing 55. Jenny knows about the Mogao Caves 56. noise 57. talking 58. loud 59. quiet 60. babies 61. listening 62. enjoy 63. What 64. taking 65. need One possible version: Li Ming and hi s friends from Canada had a great trip to the Silk Road. He realized many things about China on his trip. He also saw and experienced a lot on the trip. He thinks the history of China is so alive in the places. The trip opened his eyes. He saw his own history and culture in a new way. He hopes to travel more around China.

2014七年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题(冀教版附答案)


