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Could you call back later? 您能过会儿再打吗? Alright. I'll try again later. 好的。那我过一会儿再打。 I'll call again in thirty minutes. 那我三十分钟后再打来。 It is urgent I talk to Tom now. 我有急事要找汤姆. How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上?

Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? Your number, please? 请告诉我您的电话号码。 Would you like to leave a message? 你要留话吗? Do you have a message? 你要留话吗? Want him to call you back? 是不是让他给您回电话呀? Have him return my call. 让他给我回电话。 I'll tell/ask him to call you back. 我让他给您回电话好了。 OK. I'll tell him that you called. 好的,我转告他您来电话了。 I'm returning your call. 我给您回电话.


Give me a call/ring someday next week. 下礼拜打电话给我。 I'll call you. 我会打电话给你。 I'm sorry for calling (you) this late.


I hope I'm not disturbing you. 我希望我没打扰您。 I hope I didn't wake you up. 但愿没吵醒您。 Please call again anytime. 请随时来电话。 I'd better get off the phone. 我得挂电话了。 I have to go now. 我得挂电话了。 Nice talking to you! 很高兴和你聊天! Please hang up the phone. 请挂电话吧。 I was cut off. 电话断了。 The phone went dead. 电话不通。 She hung up on me. 我还没说完呢,她就把电话挂上了。


Thank you for returning my call.


34 食物准备

A.Scrambled eggs 炒蛋 Break 3 eggs. 打3个鸡蛋. Beat well. 搅拌均匀. Grease the pan. 煎锅放油. Pour the eggs into the pan. 把蛋汁倒入锅内. Stir. 炒拌. Cook until done. 煮到熟为止.

B.Chicken Soup 鸡汤 Cut up the chicken. 鸡肉切块. Peel the carrots. 胡萝卜削皮. Slice the carrots. 胡萝卜切片. Boil the chicken. 煮鸡肉. Add the vegetables. 加入蔬菜. Simmer for 1 hour. 慢煮1小时.

C.Vegetable casserole 焙炒蔬菜 Chop the onions. 切碎洋葱. Sauté the onions. 嫩煎洋葱. Steam the broccoli. 蒸绿花椰菜. Grate the cheese. 乳酪锉成细条. Mix the ingredients. 搅拌所有配料. Bake at 350°for 45 minutes. 以350°烤45分钟.


D.Preparing Cold Cereal 冲麦片粥

Pour some cereal from the box into your bowl.


Pour in some milk and sprinkle some sugar on your cereal. 倒进一些牛奶并在麦片粥上撒些糖。 Then peel a banana. 然后剥一根香蕉。 Slice it. 切成片。

And put the slice on your cereal. 并把香蕉片放入麦片粥中。

E.Frying an Egg 煎蛋 Turn on the gas. 打开煤气。 Put a frying pan on the burner. 在灶上放一煎锅。 Melt some butter in the pan. 在锅中烤融一些黄油。 Crack an egg into the pan and throw the shell into the garbage.


The egg fries. 鸡蛋煎着。 Flip it over once with a spatula. 用锅铲迅速翻个面。 Then take it out of the pan. 然后从锅中取出。 Put the egg on a plate. 把鸡蛋放入盘中。

F.Making a Salad 做沙拉

Rinse some lettuce by running water over it .用水冲洗莴苣。 Drain it in a colander. 在滤器中将水控干。 Rinse some tomatoes and cucumbers. 洗一些番茄和黄瓜。 And slice them with a knife on a cutting board.


Mix the lettuce and the cucumber in a salad bowl.


And lay the tomato slices on top. 并将番茄片放在上面。 Then sprinkle some grated cheese on the salad.



Pour some dressing on the salad. 在沙拉上倒一些调味品。

G.Cooking Rice 煮米饭

Measure out one cup of rice and pour it into a pot.


To rinse the rice,put some water in the pot. 在锅中放进水淘米。 Pour off the water to get rid of the dirt and husks.


Then measure out two cups of clean water and pour it into the pot.


Put a lid on the pot and heat the water. 盖上锅盖使水加热。 When it start boiling,turn down the flame.


After about 15 minutes,let's see if this is ready.


Yep.Done ! 好了!

H.Making Spaghetti 做细通心面 Dice an onion. 将一头洋葱切成小块。 Fry it with some ground beef in a frying pan.


As the beef-and-onion mixture fry,stir it. 一边煎,一边搅拌。 When the meat is brown,turn off the burner. 当肉炒熟时,关掉炉火。 Pour the fat off into a can. 将油脂倒入罐中。 Heat two cans of tomato sauce in a saucepan.


Add the mixture of beef and onions and stir it into the sauce with some spices. 加入牛肉和洋葱并加入一些香料搅拌。

when it start to boil,turn down the heat and let the sauce simmer.



In another pan,boil some water. 在另一锅中煮开水。

Put some spaghetti into the boiling water and boil it until it is tender.


In a colander, drain the spaghetti. 在滤器中控干面条。 After putting the spaghetti on a plate,ladle some sauce over it.






