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Oh, just a smidgen would be nice. 只要一小块就好。 Just a little more! 再来一点! I can't give it all to you. 不能全部给你。 The rest is for your Dad .剩下的要留给你爸爸。

You know, if you eat all the cake there won't be any left for Dad. 要是你把蛋糕都吃光了,爸爸就吃不到了。 Dad won't mind. 他不会介意的。 Oh. 好吧。

How many dumplings have you eaten? 你吃了几个饺子? He ate three dumplings. 他吃了三个饺子。 He ate too much food. 他吃得太多了。 He's a big eater. 他真能吃。 Don't overeat. 别吃太多。 You will feel uncomfortable. 你会觉得不舒服。 There is no more left. 一点也没有了。


I don't like asparagus. 我不喜欢吃芦笋。 I dislike vegetables. 我不喜欢吃蔬菜。 Don't be picky. 不挑食。 Well fed, well bred. 吃得好,长得壮。 Eat rice and vegetables together. 边吃米,边吃菜。 Eat some fruit. 吃水果。 One apple a day. 一天吃一个苹果。

That is delicious apple/banana/orange. 美味的苹果/香蕉/橙子。 All kinds of fruits are good for you. 所有的水果对你都有好处。 Have some soup. It's good for you. 喝点汤,喝汤对你有好处。 They taste sour. 它们吃起来很酸。 Good for the digestion. 有益消化。 We should eat vegetables everyday. 我们每天都应该吃蔬菜。


Vegetables are full of vitamin. 蔬菜里含有丰富的维生素。

We should drink milk everyday. 我们每天都应该喝牛奶。 Pork liver is good for your eyes. 吃猪肝对你们的眼睛有好处。 This is green pepper, not hot pepper. 这是青椒,不是辣椒。 Green pepper is not hot. 青椒不辣。 The sausage is made of meat. 香肠是用肉做的。



Does baby need to be burped? 宝宝要打嗝吗? Ah oh, you had a big burp. 哎呦,打了一个大饱嗝。 Are you full ? 你吃饱了吗? Your mouth and hands are so dirty. 你的嘴和手都好脏啊。 give you the handkerchief. 给你手绢。 Wipe your mouth and hands by yourself . 自己把嘴和手擦擦。 Your rice spilled all over the tray. 你的托盘上都是饭。 Let mommy take the tray off and clean it up.


Ok, you can come down from the high chair.


Look, there are lots of rice on you clothes. 看,你的衣服上都是饭。 Let mommy take them off. 妈妈给你把它们掸下去。

Ok, take off the bib. Go to play. 好了,把围嘴摘下来,去那边玩去吧。 Can I be excused? 我可以离开餐桌了吗? You're excused. 可以。


Did you enjoy the meal? 你吃得好吗? Are you OK? 你吃好了吗? The dinner is great! Thank you. 饭好吃极了,谢谢。


Lunch is yummy. 午饭很香。 Is it delicious? 它好吃吗? How do you like it? 怎么样? It's very taste. 很好吃。 It's good. 好吃。 It's nice. 真好吃。 It's not good to eat. 不好吃。 It tasted awful. 太难吃了。 It tastes good/quite nice/great! 味道很好! It smells good. 闻着真香。 They all look good. 看上去都好吃。 It does look good. 看上去真的很不错耶。 This is the best milk I've ever had! 这是我喝过的最棒的奶! This is no lunch! This is a feast! 这哪里是午餐!简直是酒席! It's spicy. 真辣! It's salty. 真咸。 It's sweet. 真甜。 It's crispy. 真脆。 It's slimy. 真粘。 This tastes strange. 味道很怪。 They taste sour. 它们吃起来很酸。 This coffee is not hot enough. 这咖啡不够热。 This bread is soggy. 面包没烤透。 These potato chips are stale. 这土豆片变味了。 This milk is sour. 这牛奶酸了。 This milk has gone bad. 这牛奶变质了。 This meat is tough. 这肉太老。 This has a strong flavor. 味很重。 It's too salty. 太咸了。 It's too greasy. 太油腻。


It's too hot. 太烫了。

My mouth is burning. 我的嘴都麻了。 Are you full? 饱了吗? I am full. 我吃饱了。 I'm on a diet. 我在节食。 It was very delicious. Thank you. 谢谢您的款待。


Please clean up after breakfast. 早饭后把餐具收拾干净了。 Help Daddy do the dishes. 帮助爸爸收盘子。 Help us clear off the table. 帮我们收拾桌子。 Would you clear the table? 能帮我收拾盘子吗? Do the dishes! 把盘子洗了。 I will. 就去洗。 It's not my turn 今天不该我洗。 I'll dry the dishes. 我擦盘子。

E 用餐礼仪 a.好好吃

Remember your table manners. 注意用餐礼仪。 Will you please eat? 你好好吃行不行? Eat properly. 好好吃。

Eat the cake and the porridge together. 边吃蛋糕边喝稀饭。 Don't put the cake into the porridge. 不要把蛋糕泡在稀饭里。 Don't dip the bread in the milk. 不要用面包蘸牛奶。 Be careful of the bones. 小心骨头。

Be careful of the bones (when you eat fish). (吃鱼时)小心鱼刺。 Eat slowly, or you'll choke. 慢点吃,不然会噎着。 Don't eat so fast! 不要吃那么快! It's not good to eat so fast, you know.



Don't put too much food into your mouth each time. 一次少吃点。 It's too hot to eat, wait for it to cool down. 太烫不能吃,凉了再吃。 Don't look around. 不要四处张望。 Stop playing with your food. 不要再玩儿食物了。 Don't play with your foods. 别玩食物。 Don't talk with your mouth full. 吃饭时不要总说话。 Don't always talk when you are eating. 吃饭是别总说话。 Please take your time in eating. 抓紧时间吃饭。 Finish your meal quickly. 快点儿吃你的饭。 Eat quickly, your food is getting cold. 快点吃,饭快凉了。 Don't poke your mouth with the chopsticks. 不要用筷子捅嘴 Don't bite the chopsticks. 不要咬筷子。 Don't do it any more. 不要再那样做。 Put the bowl down gently. 轻轻的把碗放下,别太用力。


Don't waster any food(fruit). 不要浪费粮食(水果) Try to finish everything in your bowl. 尽量吃完。 Eat all of your vegetables. 把碗里的菜吃光。 Finish up your plate. 把饭吃光。 I'm trying to. 这不吃着呢吗。 Please finish it. 把它吃完。 Eat it all up! 吃完!

Be a good girl(boy).Eat up your vegetable. 好孩子,把菜吃完。 Don't be fussy. Take any one. 不要挑三拣四,拿一个。 You can't finish the whole thing just break a bit off.




Please hold your bowl. 请扶住碗。

Hold the spoon with one hand and the bowl with the other.


Don't knock your mug over. 不要碰倒杯子。 Don't spill it! 别弄洒了。

Don't spill the food(drink) over your bowl. 不要撒饭。 Keep your food in your bowl. 不要撒饭。

Don't spill your food(drink)on the table. 不要把饭(饮料)撒到桌子上。 Don't spill tomato sauce on your clothes; it's very hard to remove.


Try to keep the table clean. 尽量保持桌面干净。 Don't smear that all over the table. 不要弄得满桌子都是。 I spilled my soup. 我把汤撒了。 Tom has spilt his milk. 汤姆把牛奶撒了。 Use your spoon, not your hands. 用勺子,不要用手抓。 Don't spit it out of the bucket. 不要吐在桶外。 Don't throw food on the floor. 不要把食物扔到地板上。 Don't make a mess. 不要弄得一团糟。 You're a little piggy! 好脏啊! Put the shells/bones on the plate. 把皮/骨头放在盘子上。

Peel off the shells and put them on the plate. 剥了皮,放在盘子上。 Don't put the food back on the plate after you have taken a bit from it.


Clean up your mess. 清理掉你的残渣。 If you have spilt anything, clean it up.


Don't wipe your mouth with your sleeves. 不要用袖子擦嘴。 Don't wipe your hands on your clothes. 不要在衣服上擦手。 There is no tissue paper. 没有餐巾纸了。 Rinse out your mouth. 漱口。


Finish your meal before you rinse your mouth. 吃完再漱口。 Don't rinse while you have food in your mouth.



Honey, do you want to eat out? 亲爱的,要不要出去吃? Hurray! I want to. 好棒喔!我要我要。 What do you want to eat? 想吃什么? I like to eat KFC(McDonald) 我想吃肯德鸡(麦当劳)。

You ate last week, those are junk food.你上周刚吃过,这是垃圾食品。 What about Chinese food? 咱们吃中餐怎么样? How about Korean barbecue? 韩国烤肉如何? Sounds great! 好啊!

How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何? Let's go somewhere to eat. 找个地方出去吃饭吧. How about tomorrow? 明天怎么样? We'll see. 再说吧。 Thanks for nothing. 算我自讨没趣。

G 零食点心 I'm hungry. 我饿了。 Where are the snacks? 点心在哪儿?

Can I have some cookies first, please?我能不能先吃一点饼干?拜托。 I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西. Later, okay, daught? 孩子,待会儿再说好吗? You may not eat here. 你不能在这儿吃东西。 Here, you have something to eat. 来,吃点东西. That cake again! 又是小蛋糕! Cake is fattening. 吃蛋糕会发胖。


You'd better eat less. 最好少吃

Mommy, may I have a popsicle please? 妈妈我能吃冰棍吗? You may. 可以。

Mom, can I have some ice cream? 妈妈,我可以吃冰淇淋吗? Not today, Honey. Don't eat too much ice cream.


I'm longing for chocolate. 我很想吃巧克力。 I'm afraid not. 不行。 Why not? 为什么不行? Suit yourselves. 好吧,随便。 Can I eat this? 我可以吃这个吗? You can't eat that. 你不能吃这个。 I don't see why not. 当然可以。 I eat anything. 我什么都能吃。

Having a little snack before lunch, are we?想在午饭前来点小吃,对吗? Care for a Corn Crunchie, dear? 来点玉米脆片吗,亲爱的? It's my favorite. 这是我的最爱。 I don't feel like eating anything. 我什么都不想吃。 Have a muffin, dear. 吃个松糕吧,亲爱的。 I baked them especially for you. 是我特地为你烤的。 Would you like some cake? 你想吃蛋糕吗?

Hope you enjoy it, I baked it myself. 希望你喜欢。是我自已烤的。 Would you take just one little bite of your cake?尝一口你的蛋糕好么? No cake! 不吃蛋糕!

I'm sorry. I don't want any cake. 很抱歉。我不想吃蛋糕。 Only if you'll have some with me. 除非你愿意跟我一起吃。 I've been waiting all day. 我己经等了一整天了。 I'll split this with you. 我跟你一人一半。 Mom,can I have one more piece of cake?



Ok. The last piece is for your dessert. We're having dinner soon.



About homework关于功课


Do you have any homework today? 你今天有功课吗? I'll do it later. 我等一下再做。 Go and do it now. 现在就去做。 Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗? I've finished. 完成了。 Did you do your homework? 作业做了吗? I did it already. 早就做好了。 Let me check. 让我检查一下。 Do I do it right? 我做对了吗? All correct. 全对了。 Very good! 太好了! You did it. 你做到了。 Absolutely right! 完全正确! Well done! 做得好! Nice going. 好样的。 So far, so good. 现在看来还不错哦。 That's better. 好多了。 You made a mistake. 你做错了。

That's only one mistake. You're doing great.


Correct the mistake. 错的改正过来。


It occurred to me that I didn't finish my homework.


The trouble is I left the notebook in the classroom.


What classes do you have today? 今天上什么课? I'm spaced-out! 我开小差了。 B.辅导功课

Do you know the meaning of this word? 你知道这个生词的意思吗? You should learn these words by heart. 你应该把这些词背熟。 What's the difference between A and B? A和B之间有什么区别? They're about the same. 它们几乎相同。 I can't tell the difference. 我辨别不出来。

Your English is improving little by little. 你的英语正在渐渐提高。 Dad,how do you say/pronounce this word? 这个词怎么念/发音? \ 这个词念sword。 What does this word mean? 这个词是什么意思呢? Look it up in the dictionary. 去查词典。

Dad,can you just tell me what it means? I'm too lazy.


No, honey, go and read it. You'll learn.


What does USA stand for? U.S.A. 是什么的缩写? It stands for the United States of America.

它是United States of America的缩写。

Do you remember the pinyin you learned today? Tell me about it.


Read it aloud/out! 大声念出来! let's recite/say the Tang's poem again. 把那首唐诗再背一遍。 Do I have to memorize it? 我要把这个背起来吗? Not to learn everything by rote. 不要总是死记硬背。




