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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第18章 两次世界大战间的现代小说

18.1 复习笔记

I. Overview(概观)

(1) From the 1920s till the end of World War Ⅱ American modern fiction reached a level of accomplishment as illustrious as that in American modern poetry.

(2) It is generally believed that the modernist innovativeness in American poetry exerted a powerful influence on fiction writers.

(3) American fiction between the two world wars also developed its own models and paradigms.

(4) The distinction between fiction and poetry is, in some cases, blurred. (1) 从20世纪20年代到二战结束期间,美国现代小说的发展实现了与现代美国诗歌并驾齐驱。

(2) 一般认为美国诗歌的现代创新性对小说作家产生了巨大的影响。 (3) 两次世界大战间的美国小说也发展了其自身的写作模式和规范。 (4) 在有些情况下,小说与诗歌的区别是模糊的。

II. William Faulkner (1897—1962) (威廉·福克纳) 1. Life(生平)

Faulkner was born into a Southern family with a fairly long tradition .The town of Oxford where he was brought up became the model for his fictional Jefferson.

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 His own family history found its way into his novels.

Faulkner’s formal education was incomplete: he quit school at the 11th grade (high school) and after the war, finished a year’s work at the University of Mississippi, and supported himself with a variety of odd jobs.

Faulkner started writing soon after World War I. He thought he would be a poet at first but moved on to become a novelist.

In 1933, Faulkner made his first of several trips to Hollywood where he wrote film scripts. Other than that, he stayed in Oxford, Mississippi, hardly socializing with the literary world. In 1950 he was awarded the 1949 Nobel Prize. He traveled to Japan and South-east Asia to present his views on literature.

He died on July 6, 1962 of a heart attack.






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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 2. Faulkner’s Dualities(福克纳的二元性)

(1)In Faulkner (as it is in many other modern masters), there is the co-presence of the modern and the Hellenic.

(2) Faulkner is both an avant-garde modernist and a writer of the agrarian American South.

(1) 在福克纳的作品中,现代时期和希腊时期同时呈现。

(2) 福克纳既是一位先锋现代主义者,又是一位美国南方的农业作家。

3. Styles and Themes(风格和主题)

In his style and his concepts, Faulkner perhaps most comprehensively embodies modernist paradigms.

(1) Perspectivism is clearly a structuring principle for his novels. This form of novel has also become known as the polyphonic novel.

(2) Faulkner’s stages are also built on principles psychoanalysis and have been subjected to such studies.

(3) Faulkner several times insisted on the sanctity of the individual and favored the “truths of the heart.”

(4) In all his inventions, Faulkner “secretly” presents his real hero: the spirit of tragedy.

从福克纳的风格和概念来看,他或许最能全面体现现代主义的范式。 (1) 显然,视角主义是他小说的结构原则。这种小说也被成为复调小说。

(2) 福克纳的写作也建立在精神分析的基础上,并且有人基于这种理论研究了其作品。

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 (3) 福克纳几次强调坚持个体的神圣性,并赞扬“心灵的真谛”。 (4) 在他所有的作品中,他都“秘密地”提出他的真英雄:悲剧精神。

4. Characteristics of writings(写作特点)

Faulkner was daring formal experimentalist. He evolved his literary strategies so as to be better able to communicate his idea.

(1) Characterization was, to Faulkner, the essential medium to reveal the multifaceted nature of man. He allowed the characters to enjoy a maximum degree of autonomy and independence. There are quite a few devices by means of which the autonomy of the characters is ensured. One of the most important is authorial transcendence by employing a fallible narrator or multiple narrators.

(2) Faulkner is a difficult writer. There are a lot of interior monologues; the modern stream of consciousness technique is frequently and skillfully used. Words are often run together, with no capitalization and no proper punctuation. Sentences are not always clearly indicated; many long ones are pushed together in peculiar ways. The pronouns often cause irritating perplexity.

(3) His prose ranges from colloquial, regional dialects to highly charged courtroom rhetoric, covering a variety of “registers” of the English language.

(4) Faulkner has very powerful imagination. Rooting his works in the Deep South, he manages to create a literary milieu of his own through which he tries to transcend the limits of particularity to reach universality. He keeps moving his fictions toward the condition of myth and succeeds eventually in elevating a simple,

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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 true story of human life on to the plane of an elaborate mythology.

福克纳在形式上大胆地进行创新实验,他不断发展文学策略以更好地表达他的观点。 (1) 福克纳极重视人物的塑造,这是他表现人的多面性的关键所在。他给予角色最大程度的自主和独立。他运用了一些手法以保证人物的独立性。其中最重要的是“作者的超脱”,这通过不可靠的叙事者和多位叙事者的手法实现。

(2) 要读懂福克纳是很吃力的事情。他的作品里有很多的内心独白。现代意识流技巧频繁恰当地运用。单词常挤到一块,没有大写和标点符号。句子意义指代不明,长句子奇怪地堆积到一起。代词的使用加重了其文章的复杂性。

(3) 他的作品里包含日常口语,地方方言,又有规范的文学语言,涵盖了英语语言的多种“语域”。

(4) 福克纳的想象力异常丰富。他把作品植根于美国的南方腹地,创造出一种独特的文学氛围,最终超越具体的人或事的局限而触及普遍性的问题。他的小说逐步向神话的境界移动,把人生的简单却真实的故事提高到神话的高度。

5. Major Works(主要作品)

The Marble Faun (1924)《大理石牧神》 Soldier’s Pay (1926)《士兵的报酬》 Mosquitoes (1927)《蚊群》

The Sound and the Fury (1929)《喧嚣与骚动》 Sartoris (1929)《萨托里斯》

As I Lay Dying (1930)《我弥留之际》 Sanctuary (1931)《圣殿》

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