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shame spoil fail to cope with deal with handle stress setback frustration security flu substance alcohol tobacco be addicted to abuse

recommendation figure influence influential cost reduction generally

advantage avoid improve productivity performance excellent expert outstanding collection criticism criticise consist ethnic amount assure assurance significant attract supreme decision

physician-assisted suicide implication

superior socialism capitalism federal patent circuit appeal bureau investigation centralize judge justice rule physician physical assist commit suicide dose/dosage relieve pain-relieving prescribe prescription

medication medicine drug effect side-effect enlarge operation meet customer demand lower

operational research expert economist economy trial tent to side with defendant defend injury claim extremely

huge violate

Four Amendment go through wallet pocketbook purse arrest arrestee suspect warrant rule contract bill regulation guarantee search content truthfulness scheme be intend to jobseeker

job hunter legitimate benefit the unemployed obtain far from constitutional obligation shipper overcharge surface transportation board rate relief increase benefit pension allowance subsidy shopper invest

harvest burden medication medicine drug youngster nation country legislation legislature legislate white pollution environment destruction legal learning netizen citizen spread gossip audience Lucture valuable

marketing responsible steward respond positively negative with regard to false falsehood amateur connotation concerned concert integrate into scientific community share values professional department overload strive

endeavor disintegrate gene genetics genetically perish experiment expert scientific religious academic firm

law firm share euthanasia effort culture experience certain geological feature stakeholder ultimate


health research community actively recruit recruiter cause ?receive medical treatment adult active quiet misguided freshman soldier warrior resume interview interviewee stable stability economy



