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最新人教版英语 八年级英语下册语法填空专题复习练习(含解析)(word)

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最新人教版英语 八年级英语下册语法填空专题复习练习(含解析)(word)


1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Long long ago, there lived a little princess named Nu Wa. She was the________ (young) daughter of Emperor Yan.

Nu Wa loved watching the sunrise. One day, she got a boat and went to the East China Sea alone without________(tell) her father. While she was boating on the sea,________strong wind came. Her boat sank(沉)into the sea and so________(do)Nu Wa.

After her________(die) , her spirit(灵魂)changed into a beautiful bird. People________(call)the bird Jingwei.

In order to revenge(报仇), Jingwei flew between the mountain________the East China Sea,________ (carry) stones and dropping them into the sea. Day________day, she kept dropping. ________She couldn't fill the sea up(装满), she never stopped. 【答案】 youngest;telling;a;did;death;called;and;carrying;after;If 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了精卫填海的故事。

(1)句意:她是炎帝最小的女儿。根据定冠词the可知是形容词最高级,young的最高级是youngest,故填 youngest。



(4)句意:她的船沉到海底,女娲也是。so+谓语(助动词)+主语,固定句型,......也是,根据 sank 可知时态是一般过去时,故助动词是did,故填did。


(6)句意:人们叫它精卫。描述过去用一般过去时,call的过去式是called , 故填called。

(7)句意:为了报仇,精卫在山岭与东海之间飞来飞去,带着石头抛入海中。此处是并列连词连接并列宾语,故用and,和 ,故填 and。

(8)句意:为了报仇,精卫在山岭与东海之间飞来飞去,带着石头抛入海中。carry和主Jingwei是主动关系,故用现在分词做状语,carry的现在分词是carrying,故填 carrying。 (9)句意: 日复一日,她不停地往下扔。day after day,固定搭配, 日复一日 , 故填 after。



2.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适合的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Dear Aunt Rhonda and Uncle John,

As you prepare for the cold weather and Christmas Day celebrations, I hope you and your family are ________(enjoy)a beautiful holiday season!Thank you so much for ________(invite)us over to your house for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. We truly appreciated(感激)your hospitality(款待)and the time being with many family members. We felt excited to be able to not ________enjoy the delicious meal, but also share the experience with so many loved ones.

I have to say, your dinners are always amazing, ________this one blew the rose of ________(they)out of the water. Your ________(decide)to give a different one from traditional favorites was really good. I really enjoyed the sweet ________(potato)with turkey and mapo tofu. The beef soup was my sister's favorite. It was ________(believe)that I was eating this meal at your dining table ________of five-star Chinese restaurant.

Thank you again for all your hard work you put in such a fantastic Thanksgiving party. We love you and hope to hear ________you soon!

【答案】 enjoying;inviting;only;but;them;decision;potatoes;unbelievable;instead;from


(1)句意:当你为寒冷的天气和圣诞节狂欢准备的时候,我希望你和你的家人能够享受一个美丽的假期。enjoy,享受,根据短语enjoy a beautiful holiday season,享受美好假期,结合结构are doing sth,可知空缺填入enjoying,故答案为enjoying。

(2)句意:感谢你们邀请我去你家里参加美好的感恩节大餐。invite,邀请,结合短语thank you for doing sth,为做某事感谢您,短语invite sb to do sth,邀请某人做某事,可知空缺填入inviting,故答案为inviting。

(3)句意;我们很兴奋, 不仅能够享受美味的晚饭,而且能够和如此有爱的人分享经验。根据此处用了结构not only…but also,不仅……而且,可知空缺填入only,故答案为only。






(9)句意:不可相信的是,我在你的晚餐桌子上吃晚饭,而不是在5星级酒店。根据此处作者说这顿饭很丰盛,代替了5星级酒店的饭, 空缺的意义为代替,填入instead of,故答案为instead of。

(10)句意:我们爱你并且希望收到你的来信。短语hear from,收到……的来信,可知空缺填入介词from,故答案为from。



Knowing about different table manners is kind of useful, for you may travel to some other countries.

In India, always wash your ________ (hand) before and after eating. You should eat with your right hand. You can't waste food. You must finish ________(eat) everything on your plate. Do not leave the table ________ all guests have finished or your host asks you for help. In Japan, before you start a meal, wait for your host to tell you three times ________(begin) eating. ________ (young) person at the table should pour drinks for the eldest one first, then the other diners. Never pass food ________one pair of chopsticks to another. When________(woman) pass food with chopsticks from a dish to their mouths, they should put their hands under the food, but men should not. ________you are catting hot noodles, you can make an eating noise. The Japanese believe that this noise can make the food more delicious.

In Pakistan, you do not begin to have meals until________eldest member of the family sits down at the table. Always eat ________ (quiet) enough so that no one else can hear you. Always make bread into pieces before eating it, and use only your right hand.

【答案】 hands;eating;until/unless;to begin;The youngest;from;women;When/While;the;quietly



(2)句意;你必须吃光你盘子上的所有东西。根据短语finish doing sth,完成做某事,可知空缺填入eating。


(4)句意:在日本,在你开始吃饭前,等待你的主人告诉你三次开始吃饭。根据短语tell sb to do sth,告诉某人做某事,可知空缺填入to begin,故答案为to begin。

(5)句意:在年轻的在餐桌上应该首先为最年长的倒饮料,然后为其他宾客倒饮料。根据句子后文提到the eldest one,可知空缺的意义为最年轻的,填入youngest,故答案为youngest。


(7)句意:当妇女用筷子将食物放到他们嘴巴里,他们应该把手放在食物下面。根据pass用了单数,可知主语用复数,woman的复数为women,故答案为women。 (8)句意:当你在吃辣的面条的时候,你可能发出噪音。根据空缺处引导时间状语从句,可知空缺填入when/while,故答案为When/While。





A farmer had a donkey and a dog. Both the donkey and the dog ________ (help) their master in many ways. One night, two thieves broke in the farmer's ________. The dog heard them and started barking. The farmer got ________ and so did the neighbors. So they caught the two thieves.

The farmer said, \

From that day, the donkey decided to show his master that he could also be ________ (use) just like the dog.

One night, the thieves again entered the farmer's house. As the thieves looked in, they saw the dog ________ (sit) just outside the main door. \thief.

%unknown to the thieves, the donkey was watching all this. He thought, \to show ________ master that I can be useful. The thieves have run away. If I start ________ (shout), the master will thank me.\So the donkey started braying(驴叫) ________ (loud).

When the farmer heard the donkey, he ________ angry. He came out with a stick and hit the

donkey hard. \

5.【答案】Before;onions;First;buyer;After;Next;turkey;spoons 【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍了如何做出美味的火鸡三明治的主要步骤。

(1)句意:在开始做三明治之前确保你有所有的原料。此处的”在开始之前“为固定搭配即before you begin,故答案为为Before。




(5)句意:在这之后,将它们放在面包上。根据前文的连词first,then,可知此处为固定搭配after that,故答案为After。


(7)句意:接下来,加入两片火鸡薄片。火鸡翻译为turkey,故答案为turkey。 (8)句意:最后,在火鸡中加入两勺的调味品。根据前文的two可知此处的“调味品”为复数形式,故答案为spoons。


6.【答案】 or;about;lonely;to walk;friends;make;and;well;because;loudly 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是每个人都有幸福。当你遇到不幸福时,总有人会帮你找到幸福。



(3)句意:他们可能感到孤独因为他们的房子太大了。根据 because their houses arc too big 由于房子大,没人陪所以感到孤独,lonely孤独的,形容词作表语,故答案为:lonely。

(4)句意:并且他们可能想在农村的路上行走因为他们每天在忙碌的城市开车上班。want to do sth.想要做某事,故答案为:to walk。


(6)句意:这肯定会使你快乐。助动词will后跟动词原形,故答案为:make。 (7)当你努力学习,你将得到好成绩并且当然你会为此感到高兴。这两句之间的关系是顺承关系,关系词用and,故答案为:and。

最新人教版英语 八年级英语下册语法填空专题复习练习(含解析)(word)


