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1. (自我介绍)T: Good morning, boys and girls. My name is Lian Xiubin, you can call me Miss Lian, welcome to my class. Today we’ll learn some new words and new rules, I hope all of you can enjoy the class.(知不知道是来上什么课。。学完拼音英语能见词能读,听单能写,神不神奇。)

2.(分组)T: I will devide you into two groups. And the two groups will have a competition, the winners can get my gifts after class. 二、Warm up.(学习英语的最基本就是:字母)

1. ABC Song. T: Do you know ABC Song? Stand up, please! Let’s sing and clap our hands together. 三、Vowels. 1. Five vowels

(1) T: Look at the screen, how many letters are there? (26) There are 5 letters that are different, can you find out? (a e i o u )

(2)(板书a e i o u )We call them vowels,元音字母。There are five vowels, and we can draw them into a face.(画脸)Show me your fingers. Read together.(用手比划脸) 2. Long Vowels

(1)The vowels have two kinds of pronuciations. Like Miss Lian, I have a Chinese

name and an English name. Today we’ll learn the long vowels.今天我们要学习元音的长音发音,长音我们要给元音字母加上一顶帽子,这帽子平平的就像哥哥姐姐毕业时戴的。。。我们叫做博士帽,那戴博士帽发什么音?Let’s listen carefully. Long “a ” says “a”. 大家听到a的长音与字母a的本身音。。。是一样吗? Let’s listen long”e”, Long “e”says”e”,是不是与e本身字母音一样?How about long “i” says …long “o” …long”u”…得出:长音就是字母音,(板书字母音),长音是长而饱满的,配上手势,Read after me…Try again…

(2)Practice: Flash cards. (学生抢答卡片上的长音) 四、Consonants. 1. Four consonants

(1)T: 除了5个元音,还有多少个字母?(21)。Yes, we call them

consonants.Today we’ll learn four consonants. Read after me , d g t p.

(2)他们怎么发音呢?Listen carefully. The first one,d says /d/ /d/ /d/(慢、清晰),/d/ /d/ /d/听起来像什么声音?。。。马蹄声,那我们可以配上动作… (3)Letter g…Letter t…Letter p 2. Practice

(1)Teacher say the pronuciations , students do the gesture. (2)Teacher do the gesture, students say the pronuciations.

(3)Let’s have a competition.(Each group choose one person to come here. I’ll show you the cards,and you say the pronuciations, and the two students do the gesture) 五、Long Vowel Rule.

1. T: Now, we’ve learn the long vowels and four consonants, can we spell the words now?...Of course not. But there are many rules that can help us to spell. Now let’s learn the first rule.

2. T: Do you know the word? How many letters are there? How many vowels? We’ve learnt g says … t says…How about o and a? Listen…中间发的是o还是a的音?是o的音,从图中也可以看到,2 个元音在一起,第一个元音戴着博士帽发长音,第二个元音不发音,去睡觉。因此得出长音规则。Read together.配上动作。Do after me.Can you recite? 3. Practice

(1)T: We’ve learnt the rule, can you read the word…2个元音u,e, 第一个发长音u,第二个不发音,d says /d/,due..Next one,who can try?(采访学生如何读出单词) (2)It’s time to competition, if you can read the word, put up your hands.let’s see who is fast.(请家长拼读一个) 六、Short Vowel Rule. 1. Short Vowel Rule

(1)T: Look at these words, are there two vowels? (no) Can you find out the similar parts? 每个单词有什么相同的地方?one vowel and the end is a consonant.那以一个元音,一个辅单结尾发什么音?这就是我们要学的短音规则:一个元音,辅音结尾,发短音。(加动作)

(2) 请看上面的单词(bad bed big dog bus)这些单词同样也是一个元音,辅音结尾,所以发短音。我们在这些元音上面画上小弯弧,就像戴上太阳帽,代表发短音。(板书short: a e i o u,加上小弯弧)。Today we leart Short u. 故事:图片为小淘,它是非常淘气的,有一天,小淘在晚上出去玩,走在路上它的朋友突然在后面吓他,小淘就喊了一声“啊”这个“啊”就是shout u的发音, Short u says /?/ (加动

作)。试拼读hug。PPT出示单词hug, 让学生抢答,并说出短音规则。(T: We can give a hug to our parents after class.) (3)短音单词抢答。 七、The long words.

(1)Look at the picture, what are they dong? They have a conversation. The word is so long.这个大学四六级单词。但是只要根据我们的规则,很容易就能拼出来。首先根据我们分音节的口诀可以把这个单词分成四部份,分部分带读,齐读。。 八、Summary.

1. Today, we learn a lot. First ….

2. 通过我们的学习,拼读单词很简单,如果你还想会拼读更多的单词,那就赶紧报名来跟Miss Lian继续学习。



