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Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a revew of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \\do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \se. The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bringWord to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method人教版五年级下册数学第一单元知识点

图形的变换包括: 、 、 。 其中只是改变原图形位置的变换是 、 。 一、图形的平移

1、平移不改变图形的 和 。

2、平移的三要素:原图形的位置、平移的方向、平移的距离。 平移的方向一般为:水平方向、垂直方向两种。 平移的距离:一般为几个单位长度(也即几个方格)。 3、平移是整个图形的移动,图形的每个关键点都需要按要求移动。 4、图形平移的步骤:(1)确定原图形位置、平移的方向、平移的距离。 (2)找出原图形的各关键点。

(3)根据题目要求将各个点依次平移。 (4)顺次连接平移后的各点,标明各点名称。 二、轴对称

1、一个图形沿着某一条直线折叠,如果直线 的图形能够 重合,就说这一个图形是轴对称图形。这条直线叫做图形的 。

2、轴对称图形一定有对称轴,而且至少有 条对称轴,常见的例如: 、 、 、

、 线段 、 角 ;有两条对称轴的常见图形有 、 ;有三条对称轴的常见图形有 ;

正方形有 条对称轴;五角星和正五边形有 条对称轴;正六变形有 条对称轴。 三、轴对称图形的画法

1、轴对称图形的性质:(1)对称轴两边的图形一定完全相同 (2)对应点也关于对称轴对称 (3)对应点的连线垂直于对称轴 (4)对应点到对称轴的距离相等

2、轴对称图形的画法:(1)根据题意确定已知图形以及对称轴位置 (2)找出已知图形的关键点

(3)一次过每个点作垂直于对称轴的虚线(根据性质3) (4)在对称轴另一侧确定各对应点位置(根据性质4) (5)标明各点对应名称,顺次连接各对应点得到轴对称图形。 四、确定轴对称图形的对称轴


Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \\do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bringWord to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method

五、轴对称和成轴对称 区 别 联 系 轴对称图形 只有一个图形 至少有一条对称轴 1.沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够完全重合. 2.都有对称轴. 3.如果把一个轴对称图形沿对称轴分成两个图形,那么这两个图形成轴对称;如果把成轴对称的两个图形看成一个图形,那么这个图形就是轴对称图形. 成轴对称 有两个图形 只有一条对称轴 六、图形旋转的特点


2、每组对应点与旋转中心的连线所成角的度数都等于旋转角度。 3、各对应点之间的距离也相等。 七、图形旋转的三要素

1、旋转中心:可以在已知图形上也可以在已知图形外。 2、旋转方向:顺时针和逆时针。

3、旋转角度:常见的有45°、90°180°等。 八、旋转图形的画法

1、确定旋转中心、旋转方向、旋转角度 2、找去原图形的各关键点


4、将各连线按要求旋转一定角度后,确定各虚线的长度,标出对应点。 5、将个对应点连接并标出名称。

Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the ccumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \\do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bringWord to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method


一、 想一想,选一选。(每空1分,共8分) 1、不是轴对称图形的是( )。 ①W ②A ③E ④S 2、是轴对称图形的是( )。 ①2 ②5 ③3 ④8

3、等边三角形( )对称轴,平行四边形( )对称轴。 ①有一条 ②有三条 ③没有 ④有无数条

4、有一个电话号码是7位数,逆时针旋转180°以后,号码分别是。原来的电话号码是( )。 ① ② ③ ④

5、仔细观察下列图形,图( )是由轴对称变化得到的,图( )是由平移得到的,图( )是由旋转得到的。

① ② ③




Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \\do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bringWord to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method(1)指针从“1”绕点O顺时针旋转30°后指向 。 (2)指针从“1”绕点O顺时针旋转 °后指向3。 (3)指针从“1”绕点O顺时针旋转90°后指向 。 (4)指针从“1”绕点O顺时针旋转 °后指向7。

五、你知道方格纸上图形的位置关系吗?(每空2分,共8分) (1)图形B可以看作图形A绕点 顺时针旋转90°得到的。 (2)图形C可以看作图形A绕点O顺时针旋转 °得到的。 (3)图形B绕点O逆时针旋转180°到图形 所在位置。 (4)图形A可以看作图形D绕点O逆时针旋转 °得到的。







Do the following three main points: 1 find out the weak. Review process is to sum up the knowledge on the one hand, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up the deficiencies. So, we teachers to understand the students ' knowledge of the situation prior to the review, students not only found widespread deficiencies, but also some shortcomings, for these well designed programs, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective. For example, you can design a form for investigation, understanding students ' weaknesses in each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting a net tihaizhanshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Through six years of study, students in the basics, reading method, exercises, and so already have a certain degree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should know how to guide the students to label the ccumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks. Exercises for students to be representative, \\do a problem learning a method, class of pass was to get \The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately to use, therefore, review the situation and life situation to be created in a variety of languages, guide students on the basis of the previous accumulation of knowledge to use to the maximum, and really apply what they have learned. Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the basics (a) 1, review the main points of Hanyu Pinyin is able to recite and write down the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal, nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables. 2,. main types according to the order of the alphabet of Hanyu Pinyin alphabetical order; fill in the appropriate uppercase and lowercase letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentences with dot to select the correct pronunciation of the word; to bring some initial consonants or vowels, word selection. Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words; (2) to bringWord to select the correct pronunciation; (3) use a sequencer and radical character lookup method



