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(2)adjective compounds : e.g. acid + head = acid-head (3)verb compounds : e.g. house + keep = housekeep


Conversion: is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class.(功能转换,又叫零派生.functional shift/zero-derivation)


Blending : is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. e.g: motor + hotel = motel, smoke + fog = smog, formula + translation = FORTRAN


Clipping:is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead.e.g. plane from airplane, phone from telephone. 四种形式: 1).Front clippings删节前面 (phone from telephone) 2).Back clippings删节后面 (dorm from dormitory)

3).Front and back clippings 前后删节(flu from influenza) 4).Phrase clippings 短语删节(pop from popular music)


Acronymy:is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.

(1)Initialism(首字母缩写词法): initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter. e.g.: BBC(for British Broadcasting corporation)

(2)Acronym(首字母拼音法):Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. E.g.:TEFL(teaching English as a foreign language)


Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of suffixation. It?s the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. (greed from greedy)

8.Words From Proper Name(专有名词转成法):

Names of people, places, book, and tradenames (e.g.: sir watt siemens(人名) -- watt(瓦特,电功率单位)

Chapter 5 Word Meaning

The meanings of “Meaning” (“意义”的意义)

Reference(所指):It is the relationship between language and the word. It is the arbitrary and conventional. It is a kind of abstraction, yet with the help of context, it can refer to something specific.

Concept(概念):which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition(认识),reflecting the objective world in the human mind.

Sense(意义):It denotes the relationship inside the language. ?The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language.? Motivation(理据):It accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning.

1) Onomatopoeic motivation(拟声理据):words whose sounds suggest their meaning, for these words were creates by imitating the natural sounds or noises. Knowing the sounds of the words means understanding the meaning. E.g.: bang, ping-pong, ha ha.

2)Morphological motivation (形态理据):multi-morphemic words and the meaning of many are the sum total of the morphemes combines. E.g.: airmail, miniskirt .例外:black market, ect.

3)Semantic motivation(词义理据):refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word. E.g:the foot of the mountain(foot)

4)Etymological motivation (词源理据):the history of the word explains the meaning of the word. E.g:pen-feather

Types of meaning(词义的类别)

1.Grammatical Meaning(语法意义):indicates the grammatical concept or relationships (becomes important only in actual context) 2.Lexical Meaning (词汇意义)

(Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning make up the word-meaning)

Lexical meaning has 2 components内容: Conceptual meaning(概念意义) and associative meaning(关联意义)

1)Conceptual meaning(概念意义): also known as denotative meaning(外延意义) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning.

2)Associative meaning(关联意义):is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. [4types:

(1) Connotative(内涵意义):the overtones or associations suggested by the

conceptual meaning, traditionally known as connotations.(例如“母亲”经常与“爱”“关心”“温柔”联系起来)

(2) Stylistic(文体意义):many words have stylistic features, which make them

appropriate for different contexts.

(3) Affective(感情意义) :indicates the speaker?s attitude towards the person or thing

in question.这种情感价值观分两类:褒义和贬义appreciative & pejorative

(4) Collocative(搭配意义):is the part of the word-meaning suggested by the words

before or after the word in discussion.]

Chapter 6 --Sense relation and semantic field (语义关系和语义场) Polysemy(多义关系)

Two approached to polysemy(多义关系的两种研究方法):

1.diachronic approach(历时方法) :from the diachronic point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word. First meaning is the primary meaning , the later meanings are called derived meanings.

2. synchronic approach (共时方法) : synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time.基本意义是central meaning , 次要意义是derived meaning.

Two processes of development(词义的两种发展类型):

1. radiation(辐射型):is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the

centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes. (e.g: face, neck)

2. concatenation(连锁型):is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word move gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning.(e.g:treacle)

3. In radiation, each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary meaning.

In concatenation, each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains. Though the latest sense can be traced back to the original, there is no direct connection in between.

4. They are closely related, being different stages of the development leading to

polysemy. Generally, radiation precedes concatenation. In many cases, the two processes work together, complementing each other. Homonymy(同形同音异义关系):words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. Types of homonyms(同音同形异义关系的类别)

1)Perfect homonyms(完全同音同形异义词):words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning.

2)Homographs(同形异义词):words identical only in spelling, but different in sound and meaning.(最多最常见)

3)Homophones(同音异义词):words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.

Origins of homonyms (同形同音异义词的来源)

1)change in sound and spelling :(eare-ear, lang-long, langian-long) 2)borrowing (feria-fair, beallu-ball, baller-ball ) 3)Shortening(缩略): (ad-advertisement,)

The differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemes(同音同形异义词和多义词的区别): 1)The fundamental difference : Homonymy refers to different words which happen to share the same form and polysemy are the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings.

2)One important criterion is to see their etymology(词源):Homonymys are from different sources. Polysemant is from the same source.

3)The second principle consideration is semantic relatedness(语义关联): The various meanings of polysemant are correlated and connected to one central meaning. Meanings of different homonymys have nothing to do with one another. In dictionaries, a

polysemant has its meaning all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries.

Rhetoric features of homonyms(同形同音异义词的修辞特色):As homonyms are identical in sound or spelling, particularly homophones, they are often employed to create puns for desired effect of, say, humor, sarcasm or ridicule.

Synonymy (同义关系): one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning . Types of Synonymy(同义词的类别) :

(1) Absolute synonyms(完全同义词):also known as complete synonyms are words which

are identical in meaning in all aspects, i.e. both in grammatical meaning and lexical

meaning, including conceptual and associative meanings.[ Absolute synonyms are restricted to highly specialized vocabulary in lexicology. ]

(2) relative synonyms(相对同义词):also called near-synonyms are similar or nearly the

same in denotation, but embrace different shades of meaning or different degrees of a given quality.(e.g: change/alter/vary, stagger/reel/totter, strange/odd/queer, idle/lazy/indolent)

Sources of synonyms(同义词的来源) :

1)Borrowing(借词):最重要的来源(room-chamber, foe-enemy, help-aid, leave-depart, wise-sage, buy-purchase)

2)Dialects and regional English (方言和地区英语)

3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words (单词的修饰和委婉用

法):occupation/profession-walk of life, dreamer--star-gazer, drunk-elevated, lie-distort of fact.

4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions(与习惯表达一致):win-gain the upper hand, decide-make up one?s mind, finish-get through, hesitate-be in two minds, help-lend one a hand.

Discrimination of Synonyms



