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a fresh hand 新手

make friends with 同……交朋友

from then on 那时起

from time to time 不时地,时常

No pains, no gains. 一份耕耘,一份收获。

play games 做游戏

generation gap 代沟

get down to sth. 开始认真(做某事)

get into trouble 陷入麻烦

have a gift for music 有音乐天分

give out 用尽,耗尽,筋疲力尽

take a glance at 朝……看了一眼

glare at 向人瞪眼,怒目而视

go out (灯,火)熄灭

go over the lesson 复习功课

score a goal 进了一个球

make mistakes in grammar 犯语法错误

grasp one's meaning 懂某人的意思

keep off the grass 勿踏草地

get into the habit of 养成……的习惯

by hand 用手

hand out 分发

on the one hand...on the other hand 一方面……另一方面……

a handful of 少量的

live a happy life 过幸福生活

do harm to 损害,伤害

a good harvest 一个好收成

keep one's head 保持镇静

in good health 身体好

learn / know sth. by heart 记住某事

keep a tight hold on sth. 紧握某物 catch / take / get hold of 握住;抓住

hold one's head high 趾高气扬

the summer holidays 暑假

on holiday 休假

in honour of 为(向)……表示敬意;为了纪念……

have high hope for sb. 对某人抱很大希望

in the hope of doing sth. 怀着……的希望

be in hospital 住院

an hour or so 大约一小时

go hungry 挨饿

go hunting 打猎

in a hurry 匆匆忙忙

have no idea 不知道

if only 但愿,要是……就好了

make a good impression on sb. 给某人留下好印象

inch one's way forward 慢慢前进

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。

inform sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事

insist on doing 坚持要做

inspect a factory 视察工厂

an inspiring speech 激动人心的演讲

in instant need of help 急需帮助

interrupt a conversation 打断谈话

a letter of introduction 介绍信

receive an invitation 收到请帖

a letter of invitation 邀请信

tell a joke 讲笑话

play a joke with sb. 和某人开玩笑

make a journey 旅行

to one's joy 使某人高兴的是

Don't judge a man by his looks. 不可以貌取人。

a junior high school 初中

just then 正在那时

keep in touch with 与……保持联系

keep out of 使……不进入……

the key to success 成功的秘诀

kick the door 踢门

kick off one's shoes 踢掉鞋子

go down / fall on one's knees 跪下

knock at the door 敲门

at the latest 最迟,至迟

sooner or later 迟早

burst into laughter 哈哈大笑起来

break / obey the law 违(守)法

make a law 制定一条法律

lay the table 摆设餐具(准备吃饭)

lead a simple life 过着简朴的生活

leave out 忽略,遗漏

attend a lecture on 听关于……的讲座

teach sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训

take a lesson from 从……中吸取教训

let out a cry of surprise 惊讶地叫了一声

let out the news 透露消息

a capital letter 大写字母

lie on one's back / stomach 仰卧 /俯卧

come back to life 复活,苏醒过来

traffic lights 交通信号灯

make a shopping list 列一张购物清单

make a living 谋生,度日

lose one's life 丧生,死;牺牲

lose heart 泄气;灰心

lose one's voice 失音

lose a game 输一场

Wish you good luck. 祝你好运。

a washing machine 洗衣机

be mad with joy 欣喜若狂

send the parcel by mail 邮寄包裹

make money 赚钱

make friends 交朋友

make progress 取得进步

make use of 利用

make up a story 编造故事

make up for one's mistake 弥补某人的过失

have good manners 有礼貌

a trade mark 商标

full marks 满分

watch a basketball match 观看一场篮球比赛

have a match 进行比赛

May you success. 祝你成功。



