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四川省高职单招统一考试英语模拟题一 Ⅰ. 词汇和语法知识 (共35小题,每小题1分;共计35分)

( )1. No human being can change ____ law of ___ nature.

A. the, the B. a, the C. any, the D. the, /

( )2.I have five color pencils. One is red, ____ is blue and _____ are green.

A. another, other B. the other, others C. anther, the others D. the others, other ( ) 3. Smith is _____ than ______ in his class.

A. clever, any others B. cleverest, anyone else C. cleverer, anyone D. more clever, any other boy ( ) 4. The play is _____ worth ______.

A. very, watching B. good, to watch C. well, watching D. very, being watched ( ) 5. The river is ______ . Can you swim _______it?

A. 70-meter-wide, across B. 70 meters wide, across C. 70-meters wide, in D. 70 meters wide, through ( ) 6. It’s foolish _____ Jack to do _____ thing.

A. for, so foolish a B. of, such a foolish C. of, so foolish D. for, such a foolish

( ) 7. I was surprised at the way _____ he treated his father.

A. which B. by which C. in which D. about which ( )8. It ____ five years since he ____ to study French.

A. was, began B. is, has begun C. will be, begins D. is, began ( )9. Father _____ today’s newspaper yet. ______ to bring it to him. A. hasn’t read, Don’t forget B. didn’t read, Not forget C. hadn’t read, Didn’t forget D. doesn’t read, Do forget ( )10. ---- I only told Tom about it. ---- You _______ anyone about it.

A. won’t have told B. mustn’t have told

C. shouldn’t have told D. wouldn’t have told

( )11. We think ____ no use ____ with Selma. Let’s tell his father.

A. this, to quarrel B. it, to quarrel C. this, quarreling D. it, quarreling ( )12. The man in blue must be your brother, ____ ?

A. mustn’t he B. needn’t he C. is he D. isn’t he ( )13. ---- They have done a good job. ----- _________. _________.

A. So have they. And so you have B. So they have. And so have you C. So they have. And so you have D. So have they. And so have you ( )14. ______ does he play chess well ____ he plays the piano well.

A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Whether, or ( )15. _____ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.

A. Having been told B. Though had been told C. He was told D. Having told ( )16. The farm ____we visited last week is the one ___ LiLei’s father once worked.

A. where, that B. that, where C. on which, where D. that, that ( )17. Leave here at once, or you will ___ the police.

A. call in B. call on C. call for D. call up ( )18. Once _____, the show can never be forgotten.

A. see B. seeing C. to see D. seen

( )19. The reason ______ his being late is _____ he didn’t catch the early bus. A. for, because B. of , that C. for, that D. of, because ( )20. It is required that the money _____ paid immediately. A. will be B. must be C. be D. is ( )21. ----- What made you so sad? ------ ____ my new Mp3 player.

A. Losing B. Lost C. Because of losing D. Since I lost ( )22.----- You seem to get lost, need help? ----- _______.

A. Yes, would you please help me with my bag? B. Help me find my key, please. C. Yes, give me a hand, please. D. I’m looking for KaiFang Road. ( )23. After seeing the movie, _______.

A. the book was read by him B. the book made him want to read it C. he wanted to read the book D. the reading of the book interested him ( )24. ----- Do you know our town at all?

------ No, this is the first time I _____ here.

A. have been B. was C. came D. am coming ( )25. I didn’t hear the phone. I _____ asleep.

A. must be B. should be C. must have been D. should have been ( )26. It was in ____ friendly a way that he talked with us. A. such B. how C. too D. so

( )27. _____ you’re trying to do is really too difficult for you.

A. What B. That C. Who D. If ( )28. He acted ____ nothing had happened to him.

A. as B. if C. as if C. whom ( )29. A bridge was built _____ the river.

A. on B. at C. over D. above

( )30. You can ____my surprise when I heard the news.

A. think B. suppose C. guess D. imagine

( )31. He is clever and hard-working. It is ____ that he will win in the competition.

A. certain B. sure C. told D. spoken

( )32. The young writer was ____ to during the meeting. His book was well-known all over the country.

A. shown B. brought C. referred D. introduced ( )33. The customers’ needs can’t be ___ by the company at once.

A. agreed B. done C. allowed D. met

( )34. The two boys were fighting each other, and it was hard for us to ____ them.

A. divide B. prevent C. separate D. keep ( )35. ----- Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?

------- Sorry , I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to ______. A. spend B. share C. stop D. spare

Ⅱ. 完形填空(共20小题;36-45每小题1分,46-55每小题1.5分,共计25分)


Sometimes it is better not to know the _36___ of a country that you are visiting ___37__ it is to know just a little of it. The ___38___ is this: the natives of your host country will often rush to __39_ if you seem completely lost and helpless. But they will usually misunderstand your small attempts to speak their language. They will think that you know _40_ more than you do. For example, I once asked three people in carefully memorized phrasebook Spanish how to get to a bus station in Mexico City. In reply each of them poured out a flood of (大量) complicated Spanish. The result was ___41_ I didn’t understand a word and wandered (徘徊) around for an hour before I found the station. __42__ I had missed the bus. The next time I met a situation like this in another city, I was a lot smarter,so I acted dumbly(哑). Trying to look very pitiful, I __43_ a stranger and asked simply, “Bus station?” He not only told me how to get there. He showed me the __44__, walking three blocks out of his way to help a poor, dumb and helpless ___45_. 36. A. habit B. customs C. people D. language 37.A. if B. unless C. than D. when 38. A. cause B. reason C. explanation D. memory 39. A. help B. show C. tell D. direct 40. A. a little B. no C. a lot D. many 41. A. then B. what C. so D. that 42. A. Before long B. Soon after C. By then D. Just then 43.A met B. stopped C. caught D. grasped 44. A. route B. road C. street D. place 45.A. loser B. stranger C. worker D. comer (B)

There was once a great general named Napoleon. He was in the camp reviewing his ___46__ one day when he __47__ a little boy. “What are you doing here?” the general asked the boy. “ I __48__ the army, sir.” The boy replied. “ _49__ do you do in the army?” the general asked him. “ I’m a drummer, sir.” The boy answered proudly. Napoleon ordered, “ __50___ your drum here, then.” The boy got his drum and __51_. “ Now,” said Napoleon, “ Sound the general.” That was the signal given in the army one hour before marching. It gave the men time to __52__ the tents, put things ___53_ the carts, and get ___54__ ready for the line of march. The drummer sounded the general. “ Good!” cried Napoleon. “Now __55__ the march,” that was the signal for soldiers to take its place in the column.

46. A. troops B. soldier C. lessons D. men 47 A. looked at B. saw C. played with D. ran into 48 A. come after B. enjoy C. join D. belong to 49 A. Where B. What C. How D. Why 50. A. Make B. Carry C. Take D. Bring 51. A. started to beat B. sat down C. stood ready D. beat 52. A. get into B. put up C. put down D. get out of 53. A. under B. beside C. before D. into

54. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 55.A.sing B. beat C. sounded D. strike

III. 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,共计50分)


Because of the land shortage in Hong Kong and gradual rise in the population, the government has come up with a very bold housing program to provide flats for the lower income group. Land shortage is really a big problem. It is, therefore, impossible to build low-cost houses. Most of these flats built by the government are high rise flats, some rising to more than twenty storeys. Slums in the urban areas have been cleared and some of these lots have been taken up by the Housing Board to build flats.

Who are the people who live in these flats? They are mainly people of middle and lower income groups who cannot afford to buy private houses. The only way for the government is to build flats and sell or rent them out at reduced prices in order to solve their problem.

Generally the area where flats are built is well served by shops, playgrounds, shopping centers and schools. People do not have to travel far for their daily needs. Bus services run right through some of the housing areas and they provide an efficient means of transportation. 56. The government’s aim is ________. A. to provide free flats for poorer people B. to build more low-cost houses

C. to build houses and flats for the higher income group

D. to make good use of land which is limited to provide flats for the lower income group 57. Multi storey flats are preferred _________. A. because land is suitable for building tall flats B. because they sell at better prices

C. because people prefer living in tall flats

D. because they make good use of land which is limited 58 Most of these flats are _______.

A. within city limits B. near industrial areas

C. on the suburbs of the city D. inside the business districts 59. People who live in government flats are ______.

A. the very rich B. the middle and lower income groups C. the servants D. the very poor 60. The slums have been cleared _______. A. to make way for new shopping centers B. and new shop-houses are built C. to make way for flats

D. and some of these sites have been used for building flats.


With a new Palestinian(巴勒斯坦) prime minister in place on April 23, the US has seen a new chance to put into place its “ road map” for peace. By May 5, the Palestinian had accepted the plan, but Israel(以色列)still wanted major changes to be made.

The fighting between the two states began in September 2000. Israel and Palestine have fought against each other since Israel created its own states in 1948. When Israel won the 1967 war, it gained control of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Since then, the Palestinians have demanded these three areas be

part of their state.

Mahmoud Abbas became Palestine’s new prime minister after Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat was forced to agree to share his power.

The plan was written last December by the US, the United Nations, the European Union, and Russia. It included three steps.

? The first step is to stop the violence(暴力)on both sides.

? The second step calls for an international conference that draws up the creation of a Palestinian state. ? The final step aims for a lasting agreement between Israel and Palestine, and the support of

neighboring Arab states.

The Palestinians say that the two sides should be taking steps at the same time. But Israel demands the first step must be an end to Palestinian violence.

In the face of such disagreement, many analysts don’t believe the plan can ensure a peaceful future in the Middle East.

61. The text is mainly about _______.

A. the fighting between Israel and Palestine

B. the long road for Israel and Palestine to achieve peace C. a new chance and plan for peace in the Middle East D. international efforts to bring peace to the Middle East

62. What is the root of the conflicts(冲突)between Israel and Palestine?

A. Different beliefs Israel and Palestinians have.

B. The land Israelis live on today once belonged to Palestinians. C. The founding of Israel.

D. Disagreement on how to bring about peace. 63. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Israel and Palestine haven’t taken steps to work for peace at the same time. B. A new leader in Palestine has brought new hope.

C. The “ road map” will settle the disagreement between Israel and Palestine. D. Israel and Palestine have different views about the new plan. 64. Which side do you think the writer is on?

A. Israel’s B. Palestine’s C. Analysts’ D. None of them (C)

The people in the room were tense. Five young engineers were sitting with their boss. They were trying to settle something about where to set up an important new plant.

Suddenly one of the young engineers said what he thought was a good way of dealing with the problem. What he had to say met with an uncomfortable silence. The boss then laughingly pointed out that the same suggestion had been made and rejected some minutes before.

The incident seemed funny at the time. But several months later it didn’t. After the work had been successfully finished, most of the engineers who had worked on it were promoted. But the young man who had made a fool of himself at the meeting was passed over.

What had happened? The young engineer was sure that he had never heard the suggestion made and rejected. He was right. He was a victim of a bad listening habit that he didn’t know he had. Bad listening habits can hurt you a lot in your daily living. Much of your success, both in your work and social life, is related to how you listen. A number of major industries and more than twenty leading colleges have



