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剑桥国际少儿英语第1级 - 第1-12单元文本 

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Monty: Oh! Are you riding your bike, Trevor.

Trevor: Bike! No, I’m not. I’m riding my big red motorbike. Marie: What are you doing, Monty?

Monty: Well, I haven’t got a bike, a motorbike, a helicopter or a plane, so … I’m walking!

6. Listen, point and repeat. Marie: I’m driving to school.

Trevor: I’m riding my big red motorbike. Maskman: I’m flying my plane. Monty: I’m walking!

7. Sing the song. I’m walking, walking.

I’m walking in my favourite shoes, favourite shoes, favourite shoes. I’m walking.

I’m driving, driving.

I’m driving in my long white lorry, long white lorry, long white lorry. I’m driving.

I’m sitting, sitting.

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I’m sitting in my big green boat, big green boat, big green boat. I’m sitting.

I’m riding, riding.

I’m riding on my motorbike, motorbike, motorbike. I’m riding.

I’m flying, flying.

I’m flying in my helicopter, helicopter, helicopter. I’m flying.

I’m walking, walking.

I’m walking in my favourite shoes, favourite shoes, favourite shoes. I’m walking.

8. Say it with Monty. Monty: Nancy night owl

Monty, boy and girl: Nancy night owl

Monty: Number nine is not his nose. His nose is number four.

Monty, boy and girl: Number nine is not his nose. His nose is number four.

9. Listen and correct.

Suzy: I’m driving my car. (No, I’m walking.)

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Maskman: I’m flying my plane. (No, I’m flying my helicopter.) Monty: I’m riding a horse. (No, I’m riding a bike.) Trevor: I’m driving a train. (No, I’m driving a lorry.) Marie: I’m driving a bus. (No, I’m driving a car) Simon: I’m riding a motorbike. (No, I’m riding a bike.)

10. Listen to the story Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk. On the count of five, One, two, three, four, five. Sam: Help! Help! Help!

Maskman: I’m flying my helicopter. Look! I can see a boy. Oh, he can’t swim.

Maskman: I can pick the boy up.

Maskman: Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again. Sam: Thanks, Maskman. Wow, you are my hero.

Monty: Maskman... a green lorry! Stop! You can’t cross the street now. Look, the man’s red!

Maskman: Ooh! Er! Thank you, Monty. Wow, you are my hero.

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Monty: That’s OK, Maskman. Marie and Trevor: Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let’s all do the Maskman song.


Unit 11 Our house

1. Listen and point.

Mr Star: Hello, everybody. I’m home! Where is everybody? Grandma: Hello. We’re in the living room. Mr Star: Where are the children?

Grandma: Stella’s in the kitchen, Suzy’s in her bedroom and Simon’s in

the bathroom.

Mr Star: Good. Stella! Stella: Hi, Dad! Yes? Mr Star: Where’s Mum?

Stella: She’s in the dining room.

Mrs Star: I’m here. In the dining room. Where are you? Mr Star: I’m in the hall.

Mrs Star: Well, come in and sit down.

2. Listen, point and repeat.

Bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, hall

3. Look at page 66. Listen and correct.

Monty’ s in the bathroom.

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Grandma and Grandpa are in the kitchen. Maskman’s in the living room. The cat’s in the hall. Stella’s in the bedroom.

Mr Star’s in the dining room. Suzy’s in the kitchen.

Mrs Star’s in the bathroom. Simon’s in the living room.

4. Listen and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Stella’s got three beds in her bedroom. She’s got two chairs in her bedroom. She’s got a table in her bedroom. She’s got a computer in her bedroom. She’s got a red toy box in her bedroom. She’s got a lot of books in her bedroom. She’s got a lot of toys in her bedroom. She’s got a bike in her bedroom.

5. Listen and point. Toys in the toy box. Come alive. Walk and talk.

On the count of five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Monty: What have we got here? OK. The children are sitting in the living

room. Meera’s listening to music.

Trevor: Er, pardon?

Maskman: Shh. Meera’s listening to music. Trevor: Oh!

Monty: Stella’s reading a book and Suzy’s colouring a picture. Trevor: Yum yum. Pencils! They’re my favourite food. Maskman: Shh. Where are Alex and Lenny?

Monty: They’re sitting on the sofa. They’re playing a game. Maskman: What’s Simon doing? Monty: He’s drawing a picture. Maskman: What’s he drawing?

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剑桥国际少儿英语第1级 - 第1-12单元文本 


