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2018年北京航空航天大学考博英语真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)

题型有:1. Reading Comprehension 2. Structure and Vocabulary 3. Cloze 4. English-Chinese Translation 5. Writing

Reading Comprehension

Sixty days walking over ice and snow in temperature as low as -45 °C , with nothing to keep you company except the occasional polar “bear”. This is no small achievement. Only a few people have ever walked to the North Pole unassisted, and if Christina Franco succeeds, she will have earned a place in the history books and met one of the few remaining challenges of exploration left to women. Her 480-mile journey will begin in northern Canada, dragging a sledge that weighs as much as she does. At the end of each day’s walking or skiing, she will pitch her tent in subzero temperatures, get into a sleeping bag filled with ice, and attempt to sleep to the unsettling background sounds of howling wind and cracking ice, which may or may not signal the approach of one of those polar bears. “I’ll carry a pistol to scare any bears away, “ says Franco, 42. “The bears that far north won’t have had contact with humans, fortunately, so they won’t associate me with food, but they will be curious and that’s dangerous. If it uses a paw to see what you are, it could damage your tent—or your arm. I imagine I’ll have quite a few sleepless nights.” Many of the early polar explorers suffered from disease and injuries, and while modern technology (lightweight materials, satellite phones, places on stand-by to carry out rescue missions) has lessened the dangers, it can never make such an inhospitable landscape anything approaching safe. It can take just five minutes for any uncovered skin to become frostbitten and, once the sun has risen, Franco will only be able to remove her sunglasses inside her tent, otherwise the intensity of the sunlight reflecting off the snow would cause snow blindness. Just to heighten the danger, the cold will slow down her brain functions, so it will be more difficult to make split-second decisions in the event of a sudden crisis. She will use about 8, 000 calories a day, losing nearly half a kilogram every 24 hours. “The problem is that the human body can only take on about 5, 500 calories a day, “ she says. “So you have to fatten up before you set off or you’ll run out of energy.” Franco is currently trying to put on 19 kilos. She may complain about not fitting into any of her dresses, but when Franco weighs herself in front of me and finds she’s lost one kilo rather than gained two, as she’d expected, she’s very upset. “I hope my scales are wrong because, if not, I’ve lost weight, “ she says, reaching for one of many bars of chocolate lying around her kitchen.

1. What does the writer say about the history of exploration?

A.Walking to the North Pole used to be considered easier than other journeys. B.No woman has ever completed the journey to the geographic North Pole.

C.Female explorers have already done most of the world’s difficult journeys. D.Franco is already an important historical figure for her previous journeys.


解析:根据第一段中的“Only a few people have ever walked to the North Pole unassisted,and if Christina Franco succeeds,she will have earned a place in the history books and met one of the few remaining challenges of exploration left to women.”可知,只有少数人曾独自走到北极,如果克里斯蒂娜-佛朗哥成功了,她将在史书中占有一席之地,完成为女性留下的尚未完成的为数不多的探险挑战之一。据此可知,女性探险家们已经完成了世界上大多数的艰难旅程。C项正确。A、B和D三项均属无中生有,不正确。

2. The word “unsettling” (in Paragraph 2) means______. A.comforting B.worrying C.exciting D.surprising


解析:根据第二段中的“…she will pitch her tent in sub-zero temperatures,get into a sleeping bag filled with ice,and attempt to sleep to the unsettling background sounds of howling wind and cracking ice,which may or may not signal the approach of one of those polar bears.”可知,她在零度以下的野外搭帐篷,睡在一个满是冰块的睡袋中,试图在呼啸的寒风和冰块进裂的不安背景声中入睡,这些声响可能是也可能不是某只北极熊接近的信号。据此可知,unsettling意为“令人不安的”,与B项worrying(令人担心的)为同义词,因此B项正确。A项comforting:舒适的;C项exciting:令人激动的;D项surprising:令人惊讶的,不符合题意。

3. What does Franco say about the danger from polar bears? A.They could injure her without meaning to. B.If they are hungry, they might attack her. C.In that part of the Arctic they are harmless. D.She will have to shoot any that attacks her.


解析:根据第二段中的“The bears that far north won’t have had contact with humans,fortunately, so they won’t associate me with food,but they will be curious and that’s dangerous.If it uses a paw to see what you are,it could damage your tent—or your arm.”可知,佛朗哥认为,北极熊没有与人类接触过,所以它们不会把她当作食物,但是它们可能会对她比较好奇,这样就会出现危险。北极熊会用熊掌去探查她是什么,这样可能会损坏帐篷或她的胳膊。据此可知,北极熊可能会在无意中对她造成伤害,A项正确。

4. Which of these is a real risk to Franco during her walk?

A.She won’t be able to think very quickly in emergencies. B.Sunlight reflected by the snow could quickly burn her skin. C.She will need to protect her eyes, even during the night. D.If she’s ill or has an accident, there will be no medical care.

正确答案:A 解析:根据第三段中的“Just to heighten the danger, the cold will slow down her brain functions,so it will be more difficult to make split-second decisions in the event of a sudden crisis.”可知,寒冷会减缓大脑的功能,所以在突发危机的情况下瞬间做出决定会更加困难。据此可知,在出现紧急情况时,她的大脑可能不会很快地进行思索,A项正确。

5. Why, when she is talking to the writer, does Franco want to eat chocolate? A.She feels that she has little energy at the moment. B.She’s just found out her weight has gone down. C.She knows that her weight is actually going up. D.She always eats chocolate when she’s upset.


解析:根据最后一段中的“…when Franco weighs herself in front of me and finds she’s lost one kilo rather than gained two,as she’d expected,she’s very upset.‘I hope my scales are wrong because,if not,I’ve lost weight,’she says,reaching for one of many bars of chocolate lying around her kitchen.”可知,佛朗哥在称体重时发现体重减少了1公斤,而不是像预期的那样增加2公斤时,她就伸手拿了一块巧克力开始吃。因为如果体重计没出故障的话,她的体重下降了,所以她要吃巧克力增重。据此可知,B项正确。

As a volunteer, John Apollos is losing weight—the old-fashioned way—by eating less. Apollos has lowered his daily calorie intake 25% over the past eight months. The fat, not surprisingly, has melted away. But that’s not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are eating only three-quarters of what they used to. The researchers are trying to determine whether restricting food intake can slow the ageing process and extend our life span. “I feel better and lighter and healthier, “ says Apollos. “But if it could help you live longer, that would be pretty amazing.” The idea is counterintuitive: If we eat to live, how can starving ourselves add years to our lives? Yet decades of calorie-restriction studies involving organisms ranging from microscopic yeast to rats have shown just that. Last July a long-term study led by researchers at the University of Wisconsin, found that calorie restriction seemed to extend the lives of humanlike rhesus monkeys (恒河猴) as well. The hungry primates fell victim to diabetes, heart and brain disease and cancer much less frequently than their well-fed counterparts did. Scientists have suspected that calorie restriction could extend the life span of animals since at least 1935, when researchers at Cornell University noticed that severely food-restricted lab rats lived twice as long as normal ones and were healthier. Other investigators began exploring



