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law 法律;act 行为;bill 法案;treaty 条约,协议;句意:这个项目将会开设有关环境科学和环境法律和政策方面的课程。 57.D。

controversially 有争议地;eventually 最终,最后;gradually 逐渐地;traditionally 传统地;句意:这些课程并不是按照传统意义上只教授给化学系的学生。


dislike 不喜欢,讨厌;ignore 忽略,忽视;welcome 欢迎;enjoy 享受,喜欢;结合下文可知,应该选择欢迎。 59.C。

有这门课程学习背景的毕业生,故选 with。 60.B。

in a row 成一排,连续;in person 亲自;in common 共同的;in a chain 没有此短语。

Paper Two Part V

从全球范围来看,大多数吸烟者在18岁之前开始吸烟,他们当中几乎有四分之一的人10岁前就开始吸烟。孩子开始吸烟的年龄越小,越有可能成为普通抽烟者,而且越不可能戒掉。 已经证明,广告和年轻人抽烟之间有一种紧密的联系。年轻人对于烟草广告知道得越多,鉴赏力越好,他们越有可能会抽烟。结果烟草公司每年花费数十亿美元在全球传播其营销网络,尽可能广泛地吸引年轻消费者。烟草公司的产品在年轻人很容易得到的所有场所销售——电影院、互联网、时尚杂志以及音乐会和体育比赛。

作为对这一威胁的回应,2008年“世界无烟日”由烟草业宣传并赞助发动了全面禁止各种各样烟草广告的活动。 Part Ⅵ

Can Internet Take the Place of Paper Media?

There is a trend that more and more people incline to surfing the Internet. They, in a relatively faster way, search update news, seek information they need, or download literary works such as love stories and science fictions. However, it is impossible for Internet to take the place of paper media.

Internet reading is indeed faster and easier, bringing the effects of not only entertaining but transience. As to the academic study, it can provide one-sided and superficial explanations or analysis instead of a comprehensive knowledge system. As to the information, you cannot cast your full trust on Internet because it can be anonymous and without any censorship. Many college graduates, who preferred to the method of Internet reading, have to hurry to make up for further knowledge in some field. This is just the result of \reading on Internet.

Therefore, it is undeniable that Internet plays a more and more important role in the modern society, whether in the daily life or study, but there is no way for it to replace the traditional paper books. And we have to emphasize more on the paper media to keep a balanced way of reading, then the function of both methods can be played to the full extent.

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Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points) Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Part IV Cloze Test (15 minutes, 10 points)

Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points) Section A Dialogue Completion

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Woman: Concert or movie, what would you prefer? Man: __________. I just want to get out of the house. A That’s a good idea B That’s OK with me C I really don’t care

D There is no problem

2. Speaker A: Could I speak to John, please?

Speaker B: John? There’s no one by that name here. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. Speaker A: ________. A OK, let me check again B Well, I’ll try again

C All right, thank you

D Oh, sorry to have bothered you

3. Man: Have you seen my glasses anywhere? Woman: No.______.

Man: Yes. And I can’t see a thing without them. A Did you lose them? B Can’t you find them? C Anything wrong? D Can I help you?

4. Speaker A: Hey, it’s beautiful out today, isn’t it? Speaker B: _____.

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A Tomorrow will be the same as today

B Yeah. I wish it would be like this every day C Really? It’s different from the weather forecast D At least not as good as I expected

5. Speaker A: I’m going home now. Do you need a ride? Speaker B: _____. I’m not done yet. A It’s impossible B Thank you C I’m glad to D No, thanks

Section B Dialogue Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6. Woman: Are you going to Hawaii on your vocation? Man: Not this year. I am broke. Woman: Oh! Come on.

Question: How does the woman take the man’s words? A She is surprised

B She thinks he’s not serious C She feels sorry for the man

D She is amused.

7. Woman: Do you like the course we’re taking? Man: It’s beyond me.

Question: What does the man mean? A He feels comfortable with the course. B He doesn’t like the course

C He can’t understand the course

D He doesn’t want to answer the question

8. Man: Ben borrowed his father’s car without permission, and then crashed it into the garage door.

Woman: No wonder his father went up the wall. Question: What can we learn about Ben’s father? A He was extremely angry B He wouldn’t forgiven Ben C He was quite disappointed D He couldn’t understand Ben

9. Man: Are you finished with school already?

Woman: No. I have one more semester, but it would be great to have a job lined up. Question: What does the woman mean? A She will line up to apply for a job B She has already had a job offer

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C She hopes to get a job offer before graduation

D She’ll look for a job soon after graduation

10. Man: Gosh! There seems to be no end to the work I have to do. Woman: I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. Question: What does the woman mean? A She is not as busy as the man B She is busier than the man

C She is lucky not to work with the man D She is unable to help the man

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

11. Fighting corruption involves tackling those who offer _____ as well as those who take them. A bribes B donations C contributions D bonuses

12. In a ____ of inspiration, I decided to paint the whole house white. A flame B flash C flavor

D flight

13. Unlike other leaders who put all blames on others, he took responsibility and resigned _____. A reluctantly B faithfully C mysteriously

D gracefully

14. This report is _____ with an article written by the same author. A identical B same C similar D alike

15. Traditional publishing will be _____ dramatically in the next 5 to 10 years. A cut away B cut back C cut down D cut off

16. Sunny Monday skies will _____ a shield of clouds by sunset. A give path to B give place to C give space to D give way to

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17. Eating regular meals is _____ important for health. A vividly B vitally C visibly

D visually

18. A new electronic announcement system has been introduced in the taxis to _____ passengers not to forget their luggage. A alert B warn C inform

D remind

19. Consumer ____ in food products has been shaken by several recent scandals. A confidence B trust C belief

D assurance

20. Such a proposal must have been put forward by people with limited____. A outlook B overlook C outline D overview

21. Many dreams _____ seem impossible, then improbable, and eventually inevitable. A first B at first C firstly D first of all

22. If you are going to interview someone you ____ know something about them. A had rather B would rather C should as well

D might as well

23 Joe ____ away for the last two days but he is due back tomorrow. A is B went C has been

D has gone

24. ____ 40 years ago, the book continues to be marketed, mass-produced, and challenged. A Being written B As written C Though written D It was written

25. Born Sept. 11, 1907, in Boston, Alice Lillian Ellis was _____ of nine children. A the oldest third B the third old

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