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新编实用英语综合教程二 课后翻译 unit5-8

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1. 恐怕这些鞋子没有你穿的尺寸。

I'm afraid these shoes are not available in your size. 2. 你能闻出这个牛奶是否新鲜吗?

Can you smell whether the milk is fresh or not? 3. 当警察抓住他时,他正拿手枪对着他的经理。

He was caught by the policeman pointing a gun at his manager. 4. 杰克渴望在谈判中取得成功。

Jack has a strong desire to succeed in the negotiation. 5. 你能保证把这台电脑完好无损地还给我吗?

Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition?

1. He escaped being fined, but projected into a dilemma.

The company escaped going bankrupt, but projected itself into a serious financial difficulty. 2. He ordered from three companies, each of which offered a different discount. I have chosen four models, each of which has its own specific features. 3. What they said gave me the impression that they had just had an argument. What you did gave us the impression that you are the real boss. 4. He has as I suspected, passed the interview successfully

The problem of pollution in that area, as you suspect, is very serious now.

5. We are now in a bad mood and, of course, have no desire to see our football team lose the game. They are in a high mood and have no desire to see anybody spoil the atmosphere of the party.

1. 当他还是个孩子的时候,他就表现出非凡的天赋。When he was a child, he displayed extraordinary talent.

2. 我们在做出任何决定之前,应该听一听其他人的意见。 Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say.

3. 除非发生意外情况,否则我一定来参加你们的聚会。 I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens. 4. 他受了处分,因为他打破了窗户的玻璃。 He was punished because he broke the window glass. 5. 她放弃了工作,以便能照顾两个孩子。

She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.

6. 即使大选失利,总统仍然将控制国家的对外政策。 Even though he loses the election, the president will still have control over the country's foreign policy.

7. 如果你现在离开,两小时后就到家了。 If you leave now, you'll be home in two hours.

8. 他们正在花园里玩,突然听到一声尖叫。

they were playing in the garden when they heard a scream.

Unit 6

1.这位艺术家用这块木头雕了一个装饰品。 The artist carved a decoration out of this piece of world. 2.她的责任包括接电话和招呼来访者

Her responsibilities consist of answering the phone and greeting visitors. 3.总共200参观了这座城堡。

A total of two hundred people visited castle. 4.这栋大楼里设有健身房和游泳池。

The building is equipped with a gymnasium and a swimming pool. 5.星期六演出的票弄不到了。

there are no tickets available for Saturday’s performance.

1. The dining-hall on the North campus is twice as large as that on the South. The streets in The Lake City are twice as wide as those in our city. 2. The new overpass is 48 meters in width.

The Indian Ocean measures 3900 meters in depth.

3. Your study of English begins when you pay 50 dollars at the language school.

Your visit to the Garden begins when you spend 4 dollars to buy a ticket at the front gate. 4. The bus from the university to the shopping mall leaves every ten minutes. The train from Shaoguan to Guangzhou leaves every half an hour. 5. These magazines cost two dollars each. They each signed the paper.

6. Computers available in the central laboratory. Old books available on the fourth floor.

1. 昨天讨论的问题十分重要。

The question discussed yesterday is of great importance. 2. 他是一个在、举止得体的人。 He is a well-behaved man.

3. 已经养成的习惯很难改变。

The established customs are difficult to change. 4. 主席宣读了一份预先准备好的声明。

The chairman read out a prepared statement. 5. 孩子们更喜欢由橘汁、糖和水制成的饮料。

Children prefer the drink made of orange juice, sugar and water. 6. 他得在规定时间内做出决定。

He has to make a decision within a given period. 7. 我们将在下次是、会议上讨论他提出的计划。 We'll discuss the plan put up by him at the next meeting. 8. 你认识在台上唱歌的那个女孩吗? Do you know the girl singing on the stage?


1. 那个建议在会上来引起多大兴趣。

The proposal aroused little enthusiasm at the meeting. 2. 新来的军官很快赢得了士兵的尊敬。

The new officer soon earned the respect of his solders. 3. 全村很快便人心惶惶了。

Fear spread quickly through the village. 4. 现在主席要向大会发表演讲。

The chairman will now address the meeting. 5. 好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。

Good teachers often encourage their students to think for them selves. 6. 我正想把实际发生的情况告诉他,但他打断了我的话。 I was going to tell him what really happened, but he cut me short. 7. 孩子们急切地等着儿童剧开演。

The children were waiting expectantly for the pantomime to start. 8. 她退休到了佛罗里达,仍然过着忙碌的生活。

She retired to Florida and still led a busy life.

1 Under the tree lay and old woman.of about 70.

In front of the gate ,stand two stone lions,one on the left and the right. 2 He talked as if he know everything .

Do you hear the music next door?It sounds as if they’ve having a party. 3More important,they need long-term assistance.

Most important,children need to learn how to get along with others. 4May I venture to suggest a change? I venture to say that you are wrong.

5 The desire to write was stirring in her once more. My brother tried his best to think ,but nothing stirred. 6The first soon spread through the whole town . The rumor spread quickly through zhe village .

1. 是她建议我们去图书馆的。 If was she who suggested we go to the library. 2. 直到天黑我才意识到太晚了,不能去拜访他了。

It was not until dark that I realized it was too late to visit him.

新编实用英语综合教程二 课后翻译 unit5-8


